I went to law school as legal research was shifting from book-based to computer-based. So I learned to do research with books, and I like them. I have a full set of the Oregon Supreme Court Reporter and the Oregon Court of Appeals reporter in my office. But in practice I spend a lot more time researching on the computer, and I use these sites regularly in my practice.
- Oregon Constitution
- Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS)
- Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure
- Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure (some apply in criminal trials)
- Oregon Sentencing guidelines
- Oregon Supreme Court opinions.
- Oregon Court of Appeals opinions.
- Oregon Administrative Rules ( OARs)
- Uniform Trial Court Rules ( .pdf file )
- Supplemental Local Rules
- US Supreme Court
- 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
- Unites States Constitution
- Federal sentencing guidelines
- Federal statutes and regulations
- Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
- National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
- Oregon Library of Defense (MPDtrainer)
- Oregon State Public Defender (Office of Public Defense Services)
- Federal Public Defender for the District of Oregon
- The Lawyerist, a blog with a mix of humor and useful information, mostly for lawyers