Fighting for you

Have you been accused of a crime? Or, worse, convicted? Was someone in your family? Are you worried that you may be charged soon? The criminal process brings all the power of the state to bear against a single individual. The state is represented by police and prosecutors and experts, and you need someone on your side.

Innocent people are convicted every day. Some of them are released after appeal, or post-conviction relief, or federal habeas corpus. You don’t hear about it in the news, because the courts don’t say that someone is innocent. Courts say that inadmissible evidence was offered in front of the jury, or that the attorney’s conduct fell below the standards of the profession. As much as the media likes to report convictions, it’s less interested in what happens after trial.

Some of those people, innocent though they are, serve out their sentences and spend years of their lives without drivers licenses, or as felons, or as registered sex offenders, or in prison. A good attorney can help protect you from being another innocent convict.