I have worked as a criminal defense attorney for fifteen years, and for most of that time I have primarily handled appeals and other post-trial proceedings. I have represented people at every stage of the process: pre-trial investigation and trial, appeal, post-conviction relief trial and appeal, and federal habeas corpus trial and appeal. I have represented people charged with infractions, and people convicted of capital murder.
I have about eighty reported opinions from the Oregon appellate courts. I am a former board member, and the current chair of the Amicus Committee, for the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. I speak regularly at OCDLA conferences, especially on trial and motion practice, appellate law, and post-conviction relief. I spoke at the 2009 OCDLA Annual Conference on scientific challenges to the Intoxilyzer machine in DUII prosecutions. I help to write books and practice materials on criminal defense and on appellate practice for the Oregon State Bar and the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association.