
Review of Typography for Lawyers by Matthew Butterick

My job title is ‘lawyer,’ but the majority of my work is writing. When lawyers show up in TV or movies, the focus is usually on trials. Trials make for good drama, and, because they’re theatrical and visual, they make for a good show. Part of being a good trial attorney certainly involves good public speaking and improvisation. But even trials involve a lot of written motions, and appeals...

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Review of Mistakes Were Made, by Tavris and Aronson

I just finished Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts, by Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson. The authors argue that the need for a positive self-image leads people to twist their beliefs to justify and defend mistakes. Examples come from studies of marriage, examinations of false accusations of sexual abuse, and the justifications...

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Book Review - Priceless, by William Poundstone

Priceless, by William Poundstone Hill and Wang 2010 Priceless is about how people assign monetary value to things with no obvious price. Although those of us who remember college economics might think of price as cost plus ten percent, real prices are messier. That formula might work for fungible commodities such as gasoline and sugar, but what about dry-aged Waygu beef, or an Armani suit? Those...

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