Rankin Johnson IV

No, the police probably can’t make you unlock your phone with your fingerprints.

Judge Steven C. Frucci in Virginia Beach recently decided that a criminal defendant could be forced to unlock his phone using his fingerprints . Reporting of the decision has suggested that the police can make you unlock your phone whenever they feel like it. They can’t, and that wasn’t what the Virginia Beach decision was about. The United States Supreme Court has already decided that...

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Will Apple’s security measures become standard?

With Apple’s new mobile operating system scheduled for release on Monday, it will be harder for the authorities to snoop around in confidential information on Apple devices. I’m thrilled. That’s partly because I’m an Apple user and I have all sorts of information that I am ethically required to keep secret. But mostly it’s because the government has become much too willing to snoop, and...

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Punishing Janay Rice

In February, then-NFL running back Ray Rice assaulted his then-fiancée Janay Palmer. His conduct was inexcusable, and the response by law enforcement and the NFL was tepid. Mr. Rice was initially suspended for two games, and, although he was prosecuted, he escaped serious punishment by entering a diversion program. More information has slowly come to light, and public opinion has turned against...

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Diversion eligibility and assault

The diversion statutes, ORS 813.200 , et seq permit a person charged with their first DUII to avoid conviction by agreeing to complete treatment and comply with various requirements. For a person eligible for diversion, it’s usually a good idea, because even a strong defense at trial is not ironclad, and the certainty of escaping conviction usually makes it worth the hassle of completing the...

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Review of Typography for Lawyers by Matthew Butterick

My job title is ‘lawyer,’ but the majority of my work is writing. When lawyers show up in TV or movies, the focus is usually on trials. Trials make for good drama, and, because they’re theatrical and visual, they make for a good show. Part of being a good trial attorney certainly involves good public speaking and improvisation. But even trials involve a lot of written motions, and appeals...

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