Rankin Johnson IV

Review of Typography for Lawyers by Matthew Butterick

My job title is ‘lawyer,’ but the majority of my work is writing. When lawyers show up in TV or movies, the focus is usually on trials. Trials make for good drama, and, because they’re theatrical and visual, they make for a good show. Part of being a good trial attorney certainly involves good public speaking and improvisation. But even trials involve a lot of written motions, and appeals...

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Oregon’s bail requirements violate the constitutional right to bail

Historically, bail referred to a deposit of money or property with the court to ensure attendance at a future court date. That’s it. It included a promise to appear in court, but no other promises, and did not permit seizure of bail other than for failure to appear, so bail could not be applied to fines, costs, violation of a release agreement or unrelated judgments. Modern bail includes...

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Should rapists have parental rights?

I just saw this article from the Courthouse News Service about the ugly fallout of the rape, and resulting pregnancy, of a 14-year-old girl. The 20-year-old rapist has been convicted and placed on probation for 16 years. He has also been ordered to admit paternity and to initiate proceedings in family court, apparently to set child support and maybe even visitation. The victim brought suit,...

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We will never know what George Zimmerman did

In light of the not-verdict, there are a lot of opinions floating around about George Zimmerman. I haven’t got one; I don’t know what happened that night, and neither do you. I felt more sympathy for Trevon Martin than for Mr. Zimmerman; the latter came across as a disappointed, wannabe police officer, and I’ve had a lot of clients who bore a close resemblance to Mr. Martin. But Mr....

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Would you rather trust Edward Snowden or the NSA?

As you know, unless you’re living under a rock, Edward Snowden is a former National Security Agency contractor who released records relating to the NSA’s PRISM project. Although PRISM’s scope remains obscure, it appears that the NSA has been mining all sorts of data from big tech and communications companies. That data surely includes so-called ‘metadata,’ which is information about...

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