November, 2011

Blind justice and the exclusion of evidence from criminal trials

I don’t like the popular image of Lady Justice (the woman with the blindfold and scale who shows up on courthouse steps and similar places.) My objection does not relate to the cut of her robe, which can be troubling to puritanical Attorneys General, (I’m always glad to see an annoyed Attorney General) but because her blindfold sends a rotten message about how the American justice system...

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Know your Fourth Amendment rights - searches, seizures, police powers, and constitutional law of traffic stops

This is a version of a talk I gave at the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (“NCOM”) meeting on October 15, 2011, in Federal Way, Washington. I spoke about the rights of a person stopped by the police, and the powers the police have to stop people, detain them, and search them. This talk was given to bikers, so I’ve removed some of the more colorful language from this version. Good...

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